Saturday, 23 March 2013

LIGO-Virgo Conference

    This past week, I attended a physics conference hosted by the University of Maryland. Aside from the travel to the conference, which of course was made all the more lovely by the lines going through customs upon reaching DC, was relatively relaxed.

    I presented three posters as well as a talk on my research, all of which were (mostly) well received. I listened to interesting talks as well, including one which involved showing the original papers by Einstein discussing gravitational waves as a consequence of his theory of General Relativity (he got it wrong the first time around, but of course got it right soon thereafter!).

   After a brief stint at home, it will be thesis writing time!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Inter Varsity Dance Competition 2013

     Yesterday, we took a six hour bus ride to Blackpool, UK (nearish to Scotland) to compete at the Inter Varsity Dance Competition, which is the collegiate national championships.

    Blackpool was simultaneously the largest and nicest venue I have ever danced in, with a massive waxed floor and basically just a ton of space!


     There was even a second ballroom up the stairs here, and this is where the picture I took with Jodie below was situated.


     All in all, it was a very successful day for Cambridge. Although the Cambridge A team lost to Oxford A, teams B-F beat all of their Oxford counterparts, and in many cases, most other teams' A teams, and Cambridge took home the overall champions trophy, making CUDT the UK National Dancesport Champions for 2013.

    I had always wanted to drink out of the Stanley Cup, but I figure this is a close second ;)